SRPP NEWS l 26 August 2021
We are delighted to announce that our SRPP Merger & Acquisition team has achieved a tier 3 ranking in IFLR1000 for our Merger & Acquisition practice within our first year of operation.
We are one of Thailand's leading advisors on mergers, acquisitions, and related strategic matters, including corporate divestitures and acquisitions, asset or business divestitures and acquisitions, business spin-offs, cross-border transactions, takeovers, amalgamations, and joint ventures. Our team has broad experience in various sectors, e.g. energy, petrochemicals, transportation, telecommunications, financial institutions, insurance, real estate, industrial manufacturing and services, wholesale and retail trades, food & beverage, media & publishing, software & digital business etc. We are regularly involved in headline transactions, often across national borders.
IFLR is the prestigious international guide to the world's leading financial and corporate law firms and lawyers.
For more information, please click here.